FFS surf passports
The French Surfing Federation’s surf passports allow you to validate your level at the end of a course, but also to situate yourself in a group.
From “Première Mousse” (First Foam) to “Vague d’Or” (Golden Wave), the French Surf Schools offer a series of level tests as part of the Passeport Surf program.
Première mousse
(First Foam)
Discover the first sensations of surfing, let yourself be carried by foam standing on a board.
Level 1
- Equiping yourself (leash, suit)
- Taking a lather while lying on the board
- Standing up on the board
- Maintaining balance while standing on the board
Level 2
- Standing up quickly on the board
- Keeping your balance standing on the board
- Facing left or right while standing
Safety & autonomy in the water
Level 1
- Following safety instructions when picking up foam
- Observing the rules related to the point of reference (monitor, flag, etc.)
Level 2
- Protecting your head in the event of a fall
- Taking a foam while bodysurfing
- Follow safety precautions in the presence of current
Sea sense & Environment
Level 1
- Locate the practice area on the beach
- Position yourself to catch the foam
Level 2
- Choosing the right foams
- Identify the presence of current
Vague de bronze
(Bronze wave)
Discover the first gliding sensations
on the shoulder of the wave
Level 1
- Row efficiently to catch waves
- Securing the take-off
- Keep your balance while standing at the crest of a wave
Level 2
- Getting past the foam without letting go of the board
- Stand up quickly during take-off
- Maintain balance standing up to the shore after the take-off
- Turn right or left in the foam after take-off
Safety & autonomy in the water
Level 1
- Swimming over the bar
- Get back to shore by catching a wave
- Comply with specific safety instructions
Level 2
- Catching waves on a bodysurf
- Take to the open sea while mastering your board
Sea sense & Environment
Level 1
- Head out to sea by going around the surf zone
- Positioning yourself in the take-off zone to catch the waves
Level 2
- Using currents to get to the open sea
- Choosing the right waves
Vague d’argent
(Silver wave)
Discover the sensations of taking your start on a wave that hasn't broken yet.
Level 1
- “Ducking” to get past the foams
- Taking a direction on take-off
- Maintaining balance while standing to the shore after take-off
Level 2
- Following the wave, using an undulatory trajectory
- Using the wave’s height to gain speed
- Accentuate the bottom turn in front or back position
Safety & autonomy in the water
Level 1
- Bodysurf the shoulder of the wave
- Observing priority rules
Level 2
- Bodysurfing waves in a given direction
- Observing the rules of priority and conviviality
- Ensure your own safety and help people in difficulty
Sea sense & Environment
Level 1
- Choose the opening waves
- Position yourself to catch the opening waves
Level 2
- Catching the right waves
- Taking good trajectories on the shoulder of the wave
Vague d’or
(Golden wave)
Discover the first sensations of surfing on the shoulder of the wave: picking up speed, turning…
Level 1
- “Ducking” to get past the waves
- Gain speed on the wave
- Making a turn at the top of a wave
- Getting back into the curl
Level 2
- Doing a floatter
- Performing a bottom turn, roller sequence
- Making a cut back
- Taking a tube
Safety & autonomy in the water
Level 1
- Getting back to shore while bodysurf
- Assisting a person and staying in the safety zone
Level 2
- Bodysurfing back to shore from the open sea
- Bringing a person in difficulty on his board back to shore
Sea sense & Environment
Level 1
- Choosing the right spot to pass the bar
- Passing the bar with the right timing to get out to the open sea
Level 2
- Using currents to get to the open sea
- Staying in place at line up to catch the right waves