A quality experience guaranteed

Passing on the passion for surfing is what we’re all about — and we make sure you have a great time.

Top of the game

The Capbreton Surfer spirit

What exactly is the Capbreton Surfer spirit?

It’s pretty simple: for us, surfing is a passion that we like to pass on. And that’s what we’ve been doing since 2003 (more than 20 years now!).

That’s why our model is based on simple principles:

First, we make sure you spend as much time as possible in the water. When we give you an hour-long lesson, it’s not 30 minutes to prepare, another 15 minutes to hang around, and only 15 minutes in the water.

No, quite the opposite: you’ll be surfing and learning for an hour. After all, what better way to progress (and experience the sensations of surfing) than by actually practising? 😉

Secondly, only lessons actually taken are billed. If they cannot be followed as planned (weather, absence…), they will be postponed or refunded.

Finally, we listen to your comments so we’re always at the top of our game. That’s why all our customers receive a satisfaction form (available in your customer area) – and you can of course talk to us directly to tell us the good and the bad.

So we’re pretty sure of ourselves when we say you’re going to have a good time: it’s a formula that’s been tried and tested over the years. But you don’t have to take our word for it, you can read the reviews of previous customers.

And if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to take a look at our frequently asked questions, or get in touch!

See you soon in the waves,

Signature “Capbreton Surfer” à la main sur le logo Capbreton Surfer